Betekenis van:
out of the question

out of the question
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • niet voor te stellen; niet voorstelbaar
  • totally unlikely



out of the question
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • totaal onmogelijk
  • totally unlikely




out of the question


  1. It's out of the question.
  2. It's out of the question!
  3. Their proposal is out of the question.
  4. It is completely out of the question.
  5. His proposal is out of the question.
  6. His proposal was out of the question.
  7. It is out of the question.
  8. His failure is out of the question.
  9. That is out of the question.
  10. Traveling abroad is out of the question.
  11. Going out in this rain is out of the question.
  12. The solution he proposed was completely out of the question.
  13. Suspending the trial is out of the question.
  14. Living without water is out of the question.
  15. Such a trivial thing is out of the question.